
RS-232 monitor switch - April 2nd 2021

This is a very simple project so solve a very simple task. Every time I need to monitor serial communication on a COM port, I always do the same and hook up some wires to a COM port and sending data on another port. Often it is great to monitor the return from the MCU I’m working on, but if it has a constant debugging stream, it is also helpful to be able to stop it without having to click around in the monitoring software. Therefore, I typically just pull the Rx wire. But not anymore! Now I made a small “tool” with a switch on the Rx line. Yep, it is very simple - That’s why I could spend more time on CAD and the case.

First a concept drawing and notes for the measurement of the connector and switch:

Time for designing the casing! This is done in Autodesk Fusion 360. I couldn’t find the connector and switch anywhere, so ended up drawing everything myself. This also ensures that it is the right dimensions ..or at least I know who to blame afterward :)

3D printed in PLA:

Added a colorful label with pinout. This is just printed on my laser printer and glued on.